Monday, March 6, 2017

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Suicide Squad Volume 1: The Black Vault (Rebirth)

Title: Suicide Squad Volume 1: The Black Vault
Publication Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Rating: 3.5/5
Where to Buy: Barnes and Nobles. Amazon. DC Comics
*be sure to check out your local comic book shop! 

*I received this through the netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

My first introduction to the Suicide Squad was during the new 52 universe. I fell in love with these characters and found myself rooting for the bad guys. I will gladly root for Harley Quinn in any given day. The Rebirth series is a fresh new look into the Task Force X. There are some new characters introduced in the mix (which I'm sure was heavily influence by the release of the Suicide Squad movie last year). 

The graphic novel begins, as due most Suicide Squad graphic novels due, in complete and utter chaos. The task force is led into a violent situation and left in the dark by the leader of this organization, Amanda Waller. The Suicide Squad somehow manages to escape and on the other side of that is their new leader, Rick Flag. 

In this first volume a lot happens without their being much plot advancement. There are some surprise visits from some beloved villains of the DC world, the Suicide Squad fight for their lives and it's all topped off with the humor I loved so much in the New 52 comics. It was a solid start to this Rebirth and I am excited to learn more. 

One of my favorite things about this first volume is that you get a background story of some of the suicide squad members. Some of their backstories are altered a bit but it gives you an insight into their villainous minds. The absence of El Diablo, King Shark, and YoYo left me a bit sad, but as long as my favorite psychotic queen is there then I can forgive everything else. Great start and I'm ready for more. 

Be sure to check it out! 



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